Weekly Rescued Produce Box Program Launch

ReFeed Farms launches Weekly Rescued Produce Box Program
Milner Bounty Produce Boxes support food security with low-cost rescued vegetables and fruit
These aren’t easy times for families, with inflation and post-Covid economic impacts creating ever more financial stress and food insecurity. With this in mind, ReFeed Farms has decided to create a new program to further expand its efforts to provide healthy food to its community.
Named for the historic farming community in which it sits, ReFeed’s Milner Bounty Produce Box Program will see its team assemble packages of healthy, nutritious local-sourced produce that has been rescued, marked as surplus, or is simply misfit and ugly. These boxes will include 25lbs of whatever is best from the tonnes of food that ReFeed Farms processes each week and will be available for low-cost purchase by anyone interested.
“We wanted to create something that the public could buy to directly support our food security social enterprise work for Food Banks and other charities while also feeding our community with healthy low-cost food for their families,” said ReFeed Farms Founder & CVO Stuart Lilley.
Whether customers buy to support ReFeed’s work around food insecurity or to get a weekly addition of healthy produce for their families, they are all contributing directly to the work ReFeed does in providing industrial scale rescued produce to Food Banks and food-related charities.
The boxes cost $25 for 25lbs of produce and will be available for weekly pickup at ReFeed’s farm in Langley. Anyone interested in purchasing is invited to email info@refeedcanada.com to arrange pickup.